Endowments Uncovered: How Strategic Partnerships Build Enduring Legacies


Endowments Uncovered: How Strategic Partnerships Build Enduring Legacies

Understanding Endowments:  How They Work and the Power of Strategic Partnerships Endowments are vital for organizations that strive for long-term financial stability and lasting impact. They provide a sustainable and consistent source of income to support mission-critical initiatives such as artistic and educational programming, scholarships, and operating expenses. But how do endowments work, and what […]

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Curtis Fort – Bear, Bull, Pig Bronze Bust Celebrating Main Management’s 20th Anniversary

This year Main Management is celebrating our 20th anniversary. To commemorate, Blaine Docker (Chief Operating Officer of Main Management) connected with Curtis Fort to collaborate on a small run of bronze sculptures to envelope the experiences within the finance industry. We asked Curtis and Blaine a few questions to recap what this collaborative effort looked like,

Curtis Fort – Bear, Bull, Pig Bronze Bust Celebrating Main Management’s 20th Anniversary Read More »